Sansum Clinic and Get It Done SB! (an initiative of Hospice of Santa Barbara) will host a free, two-part advance care-planning workshop to help community members make decisions about their future healthcare wishes.

The workshops will be 11 a.m. April 25 and May 2 at Ridley-Tree Cancer Center, Lovelace Conference Hall, first floor, 540 W. Pueblo St., Santa Barbara.

“Having these forms completed is a huge gift we can give our families. We have seen what can happen to families when these decisions are not made in advance of a loved one’s death,” said David Selberg, CEO of Hospice of Santa Barbara.

“Differing opinions on ‘what is best’ can lead to angry confrontations and even tear families apart,” he said. “We want to do everything possible to avoid that.”

“Advance care planning is something that all adults, in all stages of life, should do,” said Dr. Marjorie Newman, Sansum Clinic chief medical officer. “No one can predict the future, but we can plan for it.

“In the event of a sudden serious illness or injury, having an advance directive to guide your family, friends and medical team will ensure that your healthcare wishes are respected.”

By the end of the workshop, participants will have a completed advance directive, a legal document that outlines the types of healthcare they prefer should they become sick, injured or unable to speak for themselves.  
Day 1:
• Trained advance care planning facilitators will lead a seminar on how to complete
• MyCare advance directive, discuss the different healthcare decisions to consider and the selection of a person to manage your healthcare in the event you cannot speak for yourself.

Day 2:
• Trained advance care planning facilitators will offer one-on-one counseling and review participants’ advance directives. Participants can have their advance directive notarized for free, and sent to Sansum Clinic and Cottage Hospital.  
• Individuals who are updating a current advance directive and only need notarization may choose to attend Day 2 only.

Registration is required. Free parking is available. To sign up, click here, email, or call 805-681-1793.